SIDE COURSES for dinner


Baked Orzo
Baked Squash

Beet Recipes – three actually
Blumenkohl-Cauliflower Cassorole
Broad bean and potato salad
Broccoli Puff
Brown Beans
Carrots with  herb sauce
Corn pakodas

Curried Cauliflower
Funghi Misti Trifolati
Hash browns   great link!

Knodel and Klosse
Mashed Potatoes

Mushroom recipes – link OODLES of them
Old fashioned German Mashed Potatoes
Penne (Pasta) with Eggplant

Pizza Roll recipe – link
Potato Pancakes
Red Cabbage for Sauerbraten
same as beets
Roasted Potatoes and Red Pepper

Roasted Vegetable
Spicy Broccoli
Spicy Roasted Potatoes
Thai Cabbage

Schupfnudeln Potato Noodles.



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