My Recipe Pages spiced with Politics and Genealogy

WELCOME TO THIS REMEMBERING PLACE! Memories of recipes are much the same as genealogy or the fish stock of politics.

We live in interesting times, may be a strange intro to a Recipe site but I found that my kids didn’t care. For that reason I discontinued my Genealogy’ home page and returned to FOOD! Many recipes reflect my Eastern European background and articles’ is my refuge page – anything and everything including history, literature or politics is welcome! Like a weedy pot post.

Genealogy research is interesting, but the stories of harvesting and preserving of such had much more to offer. I pray that these thawed out recipes remain more sublime and extraordinary than the packaged and throw-away hedonism of today. Breakfasts and dinners were foods made in praise of our ancestral past, mostly in farming and remain strong, if subdued echoes in our present and short attention future.

In a Monsanto world, this is hard to do. Whale killing and factory based animal abuses are all foreign to me. We need to make changes, especially in the poisoning or leg trapping of wild animals. I grew up on a farm and learned to kill, skin and prepare an animal. (Much less to shuck corn, snap beans or make winter sauerkraut.) A friend was aghast that I could eat my livestock. I will explain: Perhaps this video link will help. Stick with it to the end and ask yourself, ‘What are you eating today?’ and how can  you object to a small farmer harvesting livestock raised on open range? Stop the spin on animal factory farming and contribute to the makers of that video.

Balance in the Pâté Goose that is entrapped in a cage and the western world atrocities of factory farmed meat – be it beef, turkey, cow, chicken or little pigies. All are abhorrent, as is how we Pâté our children. Or fatten our politicians – Chris Christie.
 That stated, I include some very old recipes that may make you cringe. Those afraid to tread in lard should avoid these recipes. They do however, remain part of our heritage. The usage of all body parts may be something else to cringe about, but if you killed an animal our parents would use all its parts. 
Most of our ‘savage’ ancestors’ gave homage to the life they took to sustain their own. Our meat packaging industry does not give us that chance and certainly does not provide a decent ending to the ‘animals’ we eat.

In my sixties, I made a huge turnaround regarding meat. So Vegans are roundly invited to contribute their own recipes to this site. If you are channeling Rachael Ray or Martha Stewart this is not the site for you. If you need a laugh however go here.

My answer is to wipe out 75 percent of your meat intake and start learning LENTIL. Soy milk, soy protein. Vegetable smoothies, soybeans and brown rice might go far in preserving a planet population that will be three times the size of mine when I was born.

I have always respected history and the hardships that my parents and grandparents went through. I hope “The cellar” brings back a memory to at least one of my daughters.

 My parents were children of the Depression and some of my recipes  will show that frugality. Food was very expensive in the currency of those times and half the nation was in Hooverville soup lines.

We now have an increasing percentage of the nation on food stamps. ** Most of the unemployed then gathered at Hobo Camps, now the homeless simply hide.  Please read my ending to ‘Smile.’ I also invite you to visit my rock and gardening sites. Please contribute your own recipes and stories. All credits will be given. The past has room in it for everyone. The present less so and as for the future, that becomes ever more questionable as one gets soylently older.

If you find this site to be of interest or of value I ask you to support it by using PayPal to contribute. I also ask you to join in the conversation by posting commentary – be it critical or positive.

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My Recipe Pages spiced with Politics and Genealogy — 1 Comment

  1. I do remember my mother stressing the Schinnagl connections and that I had a priest in the family. Either in Hub/ B ad Tolz or Munich. I believe it was in Munich. Handsome guy!!!

    I tried one time to connect with the (Prosperous apperantly) Schinnagl farm, winery/hotel … think there were two that popped up in my searches. Neither were willing to talk with me. Bluebloods vs. the emigrant part of the family tree.

    (Schinagl) I The last name is predominantly found in Europe, where 94 percent of Schinagl reside; 92 percent reside in Western Europe and 92 percent reside in Germanic Europe.
    The last name is most frequently held in Austria, where it is held by 1,130 people, or 1 in 7,536. In Austria it is mostly concentrated in: Upper Austria, where 54 percent live… or in the USA where 3 percent live.

    (Schoenberger) allowing for spellings!!! This surname is predominantly found in The Americas, where 87 percent of Schoenberger live; 80 percent live in North America and 80 percent live in Anglo-North America.

    This surname is most numerous in The United States,… most numerous in: Pennsylvania, where 11 percent are found, California, where 8 percent are found and Ohio, where 7 percent are found.

    (senft)This last name is most widespread in Germany, most numerous in: Bavaria, where 37 percent are found, North Rhine-Westphalia, where 15 percent are found and Baden-Württemberg, where 9 percent are found. It is also found in The United States, where 30 percent are found and Canada, where 6 percent are found.

    Actually, when I checked the phone books, there were more SENFTS in Vancouver B.C. than in Frankfurt Germany. The vagabonds of the bunch, whereas the Schinnagls were the stick at home, get rich part of the ancestry.

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