The Three Items DOOMSDAYER’s Purchase

Having no stash of Gold and stuff I still follow some of the Gold Bug fanatics.  Mind you all they speak of is ‘Doomsday, War, Disease and an Apocalyptic future.” Okay, I can die with that … but what do you exchange that loot for?
The world as you know it is collapsing. The dollar is in free fall, and you now have to get rid of that devaluing dollar. So what do you spend it on. Quickly I might add.

I for one scamper down to ChinaMart, Costco or increase my PayPal balance to buy more stuff from eBay. The challenge given is to pick three items to take to the checkout stand.

In so doing you also better identify the person who you are. In my opinion your purchases may define your real social niche.

1. In Sequim, we (and I) are in the old duffer field. Lubricant, Depends and chocolate laxatives.

2. I have always been amazed with the doomsayer survivalist who would shoot his neighbors to protect his stash. Their purchases would of course be guns, ammo and more gold.
3. I probably run more into the ‘Survivalist Gardener’ census. Whole Earth Catalog, seeds, greenhouse additions. Maybe a chicken or two.
whole earth
4. The ‘Practical  Guy,’ getting to the real essentials – also a survivalist but not into guns. Toilet paper, a crank radio, baking soda and perhaps a first aid kit.
toilet paper
5. The ‘Food Hoarder,’ who is not always rational and instead of jerky, dried or canned food, flour and yeast, will go on a pizza binge. BTW White rice is the better item to stash.
6. The ‘Narcissist’ who will diddle himself while the world collapses. This will include partners of questionable merit, condoms and who knows what else.
7. The ‘Ultimate Pessimist’ who simply wants oblivion or ascension This may be a concoction of booze, drugs  sinning and then reaching out for  absolution in the Bible.
8. The ‘Optimist’ who might just be out buying a second pair of rose colored glasses This might also include superglue or duct tape to put things back together and perhaps a visit to the gal next door.
the gal next door


Please add your own additions or personality types to this discussion via Disqus.


I sleep easily knowing that my flat tired VW bug filled with pennies will not be a druggies target. Investments are only assets until stolen and so far my pennies have proven to be a safe haven. Trouble being that my bank balked when I wheeled in my last wheelbarrow deposit. Something to think about when your own banking system refuses to honor US currency. What is next?

(C) Herb Senft 2014

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