Wow! The US government sure takes us for fools.

 La Push2
 A Dean Millett, district ranger issued a draft notice of a decision in September in which he had agreed with the Navy’s finding of no significant impact, clearing the way for the Forest Service permit.Who is Dean Millet to approve an 11 million dollar Navy investment in Olympic Forest Lands, and adjoining the Olympic National Park? Was he swayed by the Navy ‘environmental program manager John Mosher?

IMO, the Navy has not had a great track record in the environmental area. New exercises in Alaska jeopardize Whales and other Marine life … more on this below.
“There’s a misconception that there is potentially some hazard to the public when there really isn’t,” John Mosher, Northwest environmental program manager for the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Important update for those opposed to Electronic Warfare.

US Navy Sued for Violating Marine Mammal Protection Act in Connection with Sonar Training Exercises. 

Navy training would affect marine life.

Navy War Games in Alaska Would Impact Thousands of Marine Mammals  A must read regarding their environmental and ecology arrogance.
Strange sidestep here as obviously wildlife experts did not participate. What happened to President Clinton’s and Washington efforts to conserve Spotted Owls? “Every individual owl is protected from harm under the Endangered Species Act. Federal lands play the primary role in achieving recovery of the spotted owl. The NW Forest Plan serves as the basis for federal forest management.”

Before I pay for higher park and forest access usage fees I would like to have some input from someone a bit higher up and the re-assurance of ecology experts outside of the military that I won’t get microwaved for my time in the wilderness.
The deadline for public input has been extended to Oct.31 and will be at the Forks Chamber of Commerce at 6 p.m. to 8.pm. Tuesday at the Forks High School commons, 261 S. Spartan Ave. I tend to think that they should also have had input conferences in Port Angeles and in Pt. Townsend as some of those sites will be right next to Jefferson County. Posting NO information in ANY local paper makes me a bit twitchy as well.
“The Navy has said exposure to the electromagnetic radiation of 15 minutes or more could damage the liquid tissue of the eyes, but Navy personnel say measures taken to protect the public and animals will make it safe. The Navy has said exposure of 15 minutes or more could cause damage to the liquid tissue of the eyes, but Navy personnel say measures taken to protect the public and animals will make it safe.” Does this include airborne wildlife that may be harmed by such electromagnetic pulses? Bats, bees and so forth?

“The trucks would be dispersed on 15 sites reached by Forest Service roads. “Dean Millett, district ranger for the Pacific District of Olympic National Forest, issued a draft notice of a decision in September in which he had agreed with the Navy’s finding of no significant impact, clearing the way for the Forest Service permit.”

“There’s a misconception that there is potentially some hazard to the public when there really isn’t,” John Mosher, Northwest environmental program manager for the U.S. Pacific Fleet.”

I am so reassured I could 😥

No people, large animals to be harmed in electronic warfare training, Navy says — but it has its risks

Navy sonar testing program: Biting the hand that feeds us – A Sequim connection.

Hunting season is soon to occur and after reading the Port Angeles coverage this infestation is  going to be in our woods this hunting season. I just hope these stations can detect hunters and hikers and shut down. Questions to be asking the Navy at their reluctant ‘Open House’ in Forks this month. Nice to know that final comments can be heard on Halloween.

Its only Radar after all … help em out by staying away and not looking at them, or perhaps by ducking in a hole.

What makes you think you ‘own’ any rights to the National Forest or Park system?  I say put these damn military systems on uninhabited islands or outside of population zones or better yet put them in the other WA. better known as the District of Columbia. Those guys are always looking the other way, so they should be safe.

praying squirrel

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(C) Herb Senft 2014

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OLYMPIC PARK AND FOREST LANDS – to be microwaved — 4 Comments

    • Thank you Dale, I did contact ALL my legislators about this and asked for a response. So many things wrong in how this was handled. I hope other people contact their representatives. It is an ELECTION year after all. Sheer Chutzpa on the part of the Navy as I see it. They have an environmental ecology expert? Give me a break!

      Perhaps Wrangle Island off Alaska might have been a choice, but not 10 miles from Forks and the Quinault reservation. This suggests that WA. legislators where in on this. So far Rep. Kilmer has been the only one even to say he would get back to me.
      Mind you most of the public doesn’t care. I mentioned my efforts to a Subway guy, and he said “that must have been a boring morning.”. Did catch my misspelling of Quinault. YIKES!. So ever beautiful down there.

  1. November 7 update on this. The revised and very public meeting came to meet a very hostile public in P.A. Funny thing that.

    I was unable to attend but saw a video clip on KOMO TV.


    I will add my own strange sidestep here as obviously wildlife experts did not participate. What happened to President Clinton’s and Washington efforts to conserve Spotted Owls? 🙂 “Every individual owl is protected from harm under the Endangered Species Act. Federal lands play the primary role in achieving recovery of the spotted owl. The NW Forest Plan serves as the basis for federal forest management.”

    I suppose they now will have to dodge these radar installations as well as the barred owl. Back to other critters – what about bats. I cannot imagine them not being harmed from this. This National Forest and Park areas which are damn adjacent to this ask for greater fees, yet allow war games to be played in the sky above and radar emitters close to highway access and the Quinault Reservation.

    Can’t understand why they haven’t spoken up. The map placements are quite alarming.The Queets tribe might have something to say as well.
    Guess those owls will just have to avoid those military air craft.

    This land once belonged to them and under Teddy Roosevelt it became part of the National Park and Forest service. It is a blessed land that in which we can remember our past and as good stewards it may welll bring hope and promise to our children now and in the future.

    “We call upon the mountains, the Cascades and the Olympics,
    the high green valleys and meadows filled with wild flowers,
    the snows that never melt, the summits of intense silence, and we ask that they: Teach us, and show us the way.”.

    This came from the ‘Chinook Blessing’ which speaks to the Olympic peninsula better than I can. http://highonlife1.com/chinookblessing.htm

    Not well presented yet is that these placements of land vehicles abuts the Olympic National Park and that flights overhead would certainly overfly the Park. Somehow I doubt that the Park Service would be happy about this.

    Sept 1 2014: In their rule change, Olympic National Park officials said drones present “unacceptable risks to visitors,” including possible injuries from collisions or contact with spinning propellers or rotors. They also cited the potential impact on wildlife. HUH! and warplanes would not?

  2. Great article! The government is the largest polluter on Earth. Yet people trust it to protect the environment. Ask the people who live on the Marshall Islands if their a trust worthy bunch. They still have to import water and food, because their environment was poisoned beyond repair. And you’re right. Government agents lies all the time. If it was safe they’d test it in their own backyard. What a beautiful place. Thank you for your efforts.

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