obama bike 3

“Sometimes war is interested in you.” And Obama, at least for the moment, is reciprocating. Six years in, the lame duck Obama is gearing up to be a war president.
The dismissal of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and many top military brass who disagreed with him is the latest sign of the president’s growing hawkishness and his total repudiation of where he stood in 2002. That stance as a very junior senator was that IRAQ was a “dumb war – a rash war.” Those comments put him on the Democratic radar and he would soon be campaigning and winning the presidency with promises to end that unpopular war. “Mission accomplished “in 2011. Or was it?

Having botched the mid-term elections and being snubbed by his own Democratic compatriots, he is now creating one war scenario after another. Proxy Wars by economic means such as in the Ukraine or whatever presents itself. Afghanistan is not finished yet, nor is Iraq or Syria. I find it totally alarming that my own Democratic representatives in WA State agree with him. Nothing like being brooded by a war military industry and corporate lobbyists.

I only hope that our young men and women do not fall for this Roman like expansion. Once used and abused they have a damn hard time even getting Veteran medical care. That said, we are also creating a mercenary army made of illegals, who will be eligible for citizenship after serving. Remember Rome?

This ‘Noble Peace Prize” President has so far this year conducted about 900 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, as well in other Middle East Nations. Oh yah, most of the victims are civilians.

Glad to know he is listening to Gen. Martin Dempsey, rather than Hagel and we can be damn assured that we will embed more troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. The right wing neo-coms and the Democrat (Republican) lite have won! Nothing like a ‘good war’ to correct fiscal irresponsibility, something that is much harder to fix.

“Vision” was supposed to be Barack Obama’s strong suit, wasn’t it? Hope? Change? Well the clowns have won. The Russian “reset”; the Syrian red line, the Libyan red line, Egypt, Turkey, Israel and the ARAB SPRING that turned into an ARAB WINTER.

I for one will not accept the loss of personal freedoms due to the Patriot Act and NSA actions nor forget the mess of this Presidents actions around the world. This was a lack of vision, or at best a narcissistic and petty vision of how the world should be. How American is that?

Regarding “VISION”, Clinton had it Biblically right “Without vision, the people perish.” With the puny vision that Obama has created we are indeed going to perish to a vision that is both warped, puny and beholding to the corporations that it’s hardly worth the name. Worst president ever?  NO!

EDIT: Before I take any heat on this, I should add some more fuel to the fire. America seems intent to export its interpretation of democracy and freedom to the rest of the world, yet most don’t want it. Just recently we were demoted by falling umpteen points to being below the freedom thresholds of most of Europe.  As I remember only Spain was one leg below us. New Zealand and most of Europe were far ahead. On journalistic freedom we did even worse!

The most free countries in the world may surprise you.HINT we are not high on the list!

OBAMA is having:

  1. A mid-election stroke, finding out that he is not liked.
  2. Needs to buy new under wear hearing that McConnell is the new Senate Rottweiler
  3. A get out of the closet day, deciding if he is a liberal or a conservative.
  4. The mother of all hangovers
  5. Is beginning to see the war elephant in his bedroom dreams.

OBAMA needs to address:

  1. He is not a Muslim
  2. If he is a Muslim, then why is he attacking them?
  3. Why he is adopting so many illegal aliens?
  4. His mother was a CIA plant.  😛
  5. Why he ignored the economy for so long.
  6. His bringing about true change in National Security.
  7. The spying on the public and increasing Federal forces and militarizing of the police.
  8. Why all of his mirrors keep breaking when he asks “Who is the fairest of all?’”

And so on. Another two long years …

C) Herb Senft  2014

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  1. Strange that I get posts on other sites but not on my own.

    “Worst president ever? Maybe.”

    Worst president since World War II Barack Obama (33%) George W. Bush (28%) Richard Nixon (13%) I simply don’t buy that!

    It’s too early to tell who rates as the worst president. Gallup polls and popularity contests do not tell it all. I simply do not trust them. Harry Truman, another famously unpopular sitting president reputation rose sharply as scholars began to appreciate his role in laying the foundations for America’s success in the Cold War.

    There were however many failed and ineffectual per-Civil War presidents with historical challenges (or in the cases of Grant and Harding, in the face of corruption and ineptitude inside their own administrations)

    Herbert Hoover is about at the 10 level from the bottom as he could never communicate as did FDR or Clinton. Nixon was politically gifted and actually accomplished many things until scandals brought him down.

    Returning to the 1800’s we have Grant who I will always view with question. Graft and corruptions, but he had “good intentions” sort of sums it up. His being a drunk only added to the problem, But hey, we have present day politicians on both sides of the fence who are in this category.

    OKAY! My VOTE is for Harrison for being so dumb to have an overlong inaugural address. He died 30 days later. The others would be:

    John Tyler staunch defender of slavery. Same for Millard Fillmore who allowed slavery to spread. Franklin Pierce actually expanded slave states and thus set the state for the Civil War which was a catastrophe for America.
    For a “Do nothing award” it would go to James Buchanan. Harrison is exempt as he died before he could do nothing!

    After the Civil War there would be Andrew Johnson. I think a winner in the ‘worst president’ realm.
    More recently we have Warren Harding, who was totally ineffectual and made the present Wall Street ownership of politics in America look good.

    Some of these characters made both Bush and Obama look good! 🙂

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