
As you can see this page is in major need of input. My own childhood included a dearthful overabundance of cooked oatmeal, corn mush or farina.

Later, with my kids it was the typical cornflakes or granola breakfast.

Strangely this is how I viewed the breakfast scene.

Since then it is banana/fruit and  yogurt.
I certainly came from a quiche – scone free household!

Banana desserts – a Super link!

French toast link  A great link and has others.

Vegan Pancakes  Link

My own banana recipe came from my childhood. Not so healthful but scrumptious. I edited it a bit to make it a bit more acceptable.

Slice a cold banana into thin slices, squirt with lemon juice, then sprinkle with sugar. Gently stir until the sugar is dissolved by the lemon juice. ENJOY – and do brush your teeth after this one. Toothless in Sequim, WA. (for three banana’s it was about one Tablespoon for each. )

To make this healthier, add a few fresh strawberries, kiwi, mango, papaya, pineapple guava and some yogurt.

Now I do remember the corn meal mush
1 cup yellow corn meal
1 tsp. salt
3 cups milk or so

Stir together and mix the corn meal and salt, then add half the milk and blend.  This would be cooked over medium heat while adding the rest of the milk, stirring constantly. After about 5 minutes it will have thickened up.

Reduce the heat. The mush will bubble up and pop. Be careful not to splatter this on you. At this point when it has thickened more it is ready to be served with milk and a topping of sugar.

I loathed the stuff, but never could escape it. What was not consumed was poured into a square mold, chilled overnight, sliced and sauteed the next morning. I actually preferred this to the liquid version. Saute till golden brown.

You know what having kids is like? It’s like scooping out a chunk of your soul and giving it legs. And praying it doesn’t run right off a cliff.

EDIT: My friend Mary Ann would begin her days like I, with a cut up peaches/fruit salad. I would add the yogurt. Both her son and husband had oatmeal — the same oatmeal day after day. Gruel was never high on my choices. Please send me one of your favorite breakfasts!

I must admit that having raised chickens – scrambled eggs would  have to be included. Eggs, milk, cheese, ham, butter, chives … whatever. I did use Swiss cheese when I made this.

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