‘Love him or Hate him.’ Donald Trump knows how to monopolize the airways and media, while both the Republican Party and the Democrats beat their breasts and gnash their teeth he even outmaneuvers Rupert Murdoch. One gold star from me.
Originally stating that he would pick an awesome Vice President, he surprised no one when he anointed Oprah Winfrey as his first pick. “She’s a good person.” When she suggested he search elsewhere he did, and while the Master wall builder visited the Mexican border explaining his ‘Good Neighbor policy,’ he unwrapped his second choice, explaining that he wanted to contour this country like he contours his face.
The rump mogul Kim Kardashian immediately tweeted her derriere acceptance.
I suspect that the Huffy post will once again suggest that this is provocation for provocation’s sake and the cheapest kind of stunt. I disagree!
The celebutante’s behind will unwrap even more media coverage and I for one love the idea of a glazed Krispy Kreme donut lounging on a White House chair or overseeing the Senate chambers.
I suspect that the Huffy post will once again suggest that this is provocation for provocation’s sake and the cheapest kind of stunt. I disagree!
The celebutante’s behind will unwrap even more media coverage and I for one love the idea of a glazed Krispy Kreme donut lounging on a White House chair or overseeing the Senate chambers.
YUP, and for once even the New Jersey Puffer Fish Chris Christie was left speechless, even while licking his chops.
(C) Herbert Senft 2015
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With 39% of Americans saying the economy is “getting better,” and 57% saying its “getting worse.” Americans have turned bearish on the future of the economy, despite all the government. Cinderella story lines. The BEFUDDLED DONKEY well describes another issue. Be it the global turn down in World Trade, our foreign debt, student loan debts, pension crises or the upcoming Social Security Disability cutbacks, people are worried.
Worse yet these problems are being examined during an election year cycle and politicians are only concerned about one reality … that of getting re-elected. Americans have figured that out and are opting with the ‘voting out incumbent’ no matter the political camouflage worn. The political weather is ripe for demagogues, preachers and even alternative progressive thinking Independents.
It promises to be an interesting year and I for one am looking forward to the dissolution of the present day Republican and Republican-lite parties we have. The downside being that such a revolutionary shift might work on individual races but the establishment power handlers will make it very difficult for the winners to implement the ‘changes’ they have campaigned for. At the very worst, they might simply be taken out!
As a long-term political volunteer and former State Elector, I am very concerned that we vote people out because of anger or frustration rather than by a thorough examination of their records. Staying clean and untarnished by a corrupted system will be another challenge. *Sorta like sucking up that flea with that pipette. You just don’t know what germs or microbes you might be inhaling especially from old incumbents or the money that owns them.
Voting with cynicism is not the way to go and whatever flavor you opt to embrace, please try to spend some time to look at the facts and examine the candidates record to determine whether he or she are problem fixers or simply a new parasite taking advantage (or opportunity) of a damaged political infrastructure.