In our troubled times with war fever seemingly on a perpetual boil if not a simmer and with the economic worries I thought a light hearted page would be in order.
I am sure to be editing this a bit and moving my own links into it, but for the moment I will just add a few links on the right from the Internet.
Please leave a comment with a link for your own suggestions!
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As a practicing writer, I have always adopted an intuitive logic it felt natural
to concentrate on the subject -> develop with ideas/answers -put it on paper.
Yet, nothing can save me was writing regarding thermodynamics,
as an instance, that, as you can guess, is not my main field of experience.
Anyway, I took some Excellent tips in the writing style,
thanks to that:slightly_smiling_face:
I have been browsing for a place like this
for quite a long moment.
I was searching for up to date advice on this theme for a few days.
Now I’m satisfied since I have finally reached your post.