Both this and the lower right crystals have double scepter heads and were seated upon a growing stem as this picture shows. In digging these out the stem usually breaks off, hut I re-connected it to make this photograph.
Anyone who doesn’t believe that rocks aren’t ‘alive’ should see one of these. They grow much like a mushroom would, except it takes thousands of years. The ‘Scepter’ name because that is what they remind one of.
I checked on my own metaphysical interpretations and what I had sitting in my bedroom. Laugh and edit as you will. Some of your rocks such as green calcite I do not even have. Here’s my truncated list. Some is entire hogwash. IMO.
On the other hand, Snakeskin Agates also by my bed are something to cherish. Only here in the North West and in China.
Here are my interpretations of stones:
My own website does sell rocks, but I have had few sales and they are far cheaper than elsewhere. Just today someone asked to send some snakeskin agates to Denmark. Go figure Trouble is that one or two rocks might be 7.00 but the local shipping is 6.00!
Awakens one’s inherent talents and produces inspiration from spiritual worlds. Protects against fear and helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure. |
by Joan Laine and her own Carnelian agate is beyond beautiful.
Against fire and misfortune.
Carnelian: Stone of protection and helps with the unblocking of sexual energies, healing past traumas in the genital areas. Stone of creativity. This stone can assist people in finding the right mate and protect the wearer from anger, jealousy, and fear. Helps the body absorb vitamins, minerals. Cures stomach and liver ailments.
White Calcite, Milky White Calcite
The energy stimulates feelings of peace and love, for the whole universe, plus it gives a sense of protectiveness. White Calcite amplifies and cleanses energy from the environment. White Calcite restores motivation and accelerates growth and development. White Calcite raises consciousness, links to higher spiritual states and awakens psychic abilities
Green Calcite
Tranquility; soothes spiritual heart; helps us learn from lessons in each situation and new options. Clarifies visions, imagery, astral travel and recall. Helps us replace fears, old ways with healthier ones. Cleans toxins and fumes from body.
- Citrine: Citrine is known as the stone of abundance. It is often placed in the wealth corner of homes in feng shui practices. The stone assists in improving financial situations. Mediating with stone provides mental clarity. It is also one of the rare stones that does not need cleansing. It represents courage and self-discipline. Aids in matters of daily living and opening the mind to new thoughts, and is often used to increase self-esteem.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis quam nibh, euismod eget nulla a, tempor scelerisque lorem. Proin dignissim arcu tristique fermentum ullamcorper. Integer lacinia scelerisque enim eu pretium. Nam elementum turpis orci, ac porttitor diam suscipit sit amet.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis quam nibh, euismod eget nulla a, tempor scelerisque lorem. Proin dignissim arcu tristique fermentum ullamcorper. Integer lacinia scelerisque enim eu pretium. Nam elementum turpis orci, ac porttitor diam suscipit sit amet.
Hematite: is believed to aid with logical thinking, enhancing memory, understanding technical knowledge, original thinking, and mathematics. Improves quality of the blood. This stone helps keep one grounded and protects from psychic attack. It helps with keeping one balanced. I think it also helps with detoxification.
- Howlite: can aid with knowledge and memory, as well as promote truthfulness, inner strength, and good moral character.
- Jaspers: All Jaspers have excellent protective and grounding energies • Picture Jasper: Picture jasper is believed to enhance the relationship between humans and nature, promoting global awareness and a desire to protect the planet.
- Obsidian: The stone of truth. Often used for scrying because of its black mirror like surface. Obsidian comes into a person’s life when it is necessary to unearth hidden truths. Often used in past life layouts.
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis quam nibh, euismod eget nulla a, tempor scelerisque lorem. Proin dignissim arcu tristique fermentum ullamcorper. Integer lacinia scelerisque enim eu pretium. Nam elementum turpis orci, ac porttitor diam suscipit sit amet.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis quam nibh, euismod eget nulla a, tempor scelerisque lorem. Proin dignissim arcu tristique fermentum ullamcorper. Integer lacinia scelerisque enim eu pretium. Nam elementum turpis orci, ac porttitor diam suscipit sit amet.
- Snowflake Obsidian: This obsidian stone, which has inclusions of phynocryst, gives it the snowflake pattern on it’s surface, and allows us to recognize unnecessary patterns in our lives. Promotes self-esteem and confidence. Clairaudience and owning our lower aspects for growth; Healthy balance. Allows us to be more sensitive and aware of the beauty and love that is around us. Brings purity and balance to the body, mind, and soul. Assists with meditation. Helps one identify unwanted behaviors. Grounding. Protective. Helps clear negativity.
Snowflake obsidian can calm and soothe and open the mind to seeing unhealthy patterns in behavior, thus opening the door to change. Stone of purity providing balance of mind, body, and Spirit. Snowflake obsidian assists with managing grief.
Mahogany Obsidian: Provides strength in times of need. Provides vitality to ones life work or fulfillment of ones aspirations. Eliminates energy blocks and relieves tension
- Mahogany Obsidian: This obsidian is said to help with inner reflection, mirroring our flaws while bringing self-acceptance, helping with decision making, and allowing us to make significant change in difficult areas of our lives. Mahogany protects from psychic attacks and keeps one grounded.
Petrified Wood: Petrified wood is powerful in removing obstacles and can be used to assist in reaching goals that you are having trouble with or to smooth a path for any endeavor. Strength and wisdom, protection in later years. This stone can assist anyone who is feeling stuck or experiencing being frozen in time. It helps to create balance and offers a foundation from which to launch new goals or undertake a different path. Petrified wood is also a wonderful grounding stone. It helps calm scattered energies
Shattuckite is often called a stone of reconciliation. The writers stone. Helps with creativity by keeping one focused when writing. Assists with channeling. This is a very powerful stone when one is blocked. And it is just a very beautiful and gentle stone to hold. It brings courage, strengthening communication and concentration, while providing strong focus in daily routines. Strange that I have none and let one go at the last rock show.
Joan suggested I might need a Stone for dealing with forgiveness, hurts by others. Which in a way beings one to worry stones or worry beads still used by Catholics and Muslims alike.
Komboloi worry beads are a Greek fidget toy, used to relieve stress and generally pass the time. Making your own set for fun or stress relief can be done with just a few inexpensive supplies.
Obtain your beads. Traditionally, worry beads have an odd number of beads, usually one more than a multiple of four, 5, 9, 13, etc. Additionally, you will need one "shield" bead, usually somewhat larger than the others. Natural materials such as stone, amber, and wood are considered more pleasant to handle, but you may use any type of bead you like.
During important conversations or even thinking about things by ourselves, we can find ourselves getting caught up in "what was" and "what if." You can use your beads for grounding when you find yourself worrying about the past or the future.
By remaining grounded in the present, you will be more open to listening and accepting life as it is, rather than as you wish it to be.
Worry beads made from different materials, like semi-precious stones, bones, horns, wood, amber and corals. Mixing Olive, Koa, birch woods with stones not only makes sense but is more attractive for the combination. The choice of wood might depend upon your needs and some embody masculine or female energy. Magical Properties of Trees and Specific Woods