 On Making Mustard
“Senf” in German means mustard. On top of which I was fatefully assembled and delivered in Frankfurt. Germany


1/4 cup mustard seed (if you use Indian black, roast well in skillet first)
1/4 cup dry mustard
1/2 cup hot water
1/2 cup white wine vinegar (or use red)
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. honey
1 tbs. shallots.
1 tbs. roasted sweet pepper

In a small bowl, combine mustard seed, dry mustard and water (I also added in this recipe 2 Tbs. radicchio seed I had saved.). Let sit, uncovered, for about 2-4 hrs, stirring upon occasion. Place into a food processor or blender with remaining ingredients and process to desired consistency. Pour into clean sterilized jars, seal and refrigerate. This gave me about 2 8 oz. jars.’Variations made — Honey-Dill: More honey increase to 2 Tbs. 2 Tbs. fresh dill
Tarragon- Shallot: 1 Tbs. chopped shallots, 1 Tbs. fresh tarragon Chive-Parsley 2 Tbs. chopped parsley, 1 Tbs. chopped chives.
Curry-Garlic 2 cloves garlic, 1/2 tsp. curry, some black pepper and some red pepper sauce.

A more typical or familiar mustard can be made this way.

1/3 cup dry mustard (you can also do some toasted whole mustard seed for extra zip)

1/4 cup brown sugar

4 eggs

1/2 cup white wine vinegar

1/4 cup dry white wine

2 tsp. ea of thyme and oregano   — or whatever herbs you wish.

Combine mustard and sugar in a large saucepan. Add eggs, vinegar and wine; mix well at medium speed of a blender. Cook over low heat!!!! Best yet use a double boiler, water under this pan. Use an electric mixer for about five minutes until thick. Mixture will double in volume, then fall. Stir in herbs of your choice. Cool to room temperature, stir and pour into jars. Cover and store in refrigerator for up to one month. NO MORE! (think this was from Southern Living)


First off do not be afraid to use enough herbs. Adding a couple of sprigs in simply not enough. To really get an effect use about 1 cup of loosely packed fresh herb (if dry use half) say tarragon to one or 2 pints cider or white wine vinegar. I like cilantro, garlic in red wine vinegar. (Buy the Herbal Vinegar book it is well worth seeing the multiple combinations she has put together.)
Strip the tarragon leaves from the stalks and put them in a large wide-necked jar or bottle, using a spoon bruise leaves as they go in. Pour in the vinegar, making sure the leaves are completely submerged. Do not heat! Close the jar tightly and leave in a cool dark. Visit every few days and shake the mixture. Taste after about ten days. Usually I let it sit for about a month. When to your satisfaction, strain the vinegar, fill in clean sterilized bottles, cap tightly.

Fruit Vinegar are a bit different. I generally use white or red wine vinegar.

Put 3 lb raspberries into a steeping container. Pore enough vinegar to completely cover the fruit. Do the same as above. Remember a dark cool place! Usually it takes a month, when the flavor is just right, strain and poor into a stainless steel pan (or enameled). Add some sugar, usually 1/4-1/2 cup per four cups of vinegar. Bring to a simmer, stir frequently and cook about 3 minutes. Do not boil, and stir off any foam that develops. Let the mixture cool, and pour into sterilized bottles through a funnel. Cap tightly and store in a cool dark place.

(C) Herbert Senft

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